Courier is the science of procurement, supply, control, and organization of transportation. It is based on the rule of law and the laws of the functioning of the market. The work of a courier requires competent planning and optimization of activities in the field of transportation.
1. Transport

Transportation courier is a system of services aimed directly at the transportation and delivery of goods. A prerequisite for efficient transport-type logistics is the optimization of the product delivery route, which requires professional skills in the management of material and intangible flows.
What is the best route? This is the route that allows you to transport goods quickly and profitably, without unnecessary expenses, with the least possible harm to products. Transport and courier services are a system of operations that allow you to competently plan transportation. Who is a logistician in a transport company? This is a specialist who, in fact, is engaged in planning the optimal delivery route.
Transport logistics: what is it?
- Choosing the right vehicle.
- Competent planning of the transportation process.
- Collaboration in planning, taking into account the work of the warehouse, and production.
- Optimization of the transportation route.
- Formation of unity in planning with other departments.
2. Customs
A type of courier, the goals of which are aimed at delivering goods from the manufacturer to the buyer (customer) by optimal routes between countries. The main goal of this type is to optimize foreign economic activity, which requires a high level of professionalism of a couriers specialist.
Within the framework of the customs-type courier, the following works are performed:
- The courier company provides storage of products in optimal, well thought out conditions.
- Organization of transportation.
- Documentary support.
- Cargo check.
- Escorting cargo from customs to the direct customer.
Courier profession, what is it in the field of customs? This is an activity that requires a wider range of knowledge in the field of international economics and law. You also need to be smart about classifying your products. The goal is to minimize risks, maximize efficiency. Professional services help to bring the company to the world market, to purchase raw materials or products at a profit from a foreign manufacturer.
3. Production
This implies the process of control, management, systematization, and optimization in the production of a certain product. The specialist deals with the management of material flow – from raw materials to the delivery of products to the customer.
The function of control over production processes allows:
- Follow up on deadlines.
- Coordination of work schedules.
- Optimization of procurement processes.
- Analysis of consumer needs.
- Quick troubleshooting of production problems.
At the macro level, production logistics serves as a mechanism for controlling the operation of the enterprise, at the micro level it provides control over compliance with norms and terms, planning of each stage of work, and cost analysis.
4. Stock

Required for control, analysis of existing stocks of products and resources. The goal is to ensure the optimization of production, the smooth operation of the company. Logist who is this? In this case, it is a controller of risks, specifics of the season, supplies.
5. Procurement (Supply Logistics)
It is the process of controlling existing flows of financial resources. The goal is to provide the company with the resources necessary for high-quality and efficient work.
As part of his activities, the logistician must competently solve a number of issues:
- Who can you buy resources from?
- What should you buy?
- What are the optimal purchasing conditions?
- How many resources are required to keep the company running?
- How to link purchasing to product manufacturing and distribution systems?
- How do you link a resource provider to a manufacturing facility that needs a resource?
6. Information
A kind of courier, which is aimed at organizing the information flow. This is the connection that forms bridges between supply, sales, production processes.
7. Warehouse

This is a set of actions that are aimed at storing products. Storage time and product features are important. The concept includes storage, acceptance, delivery of materials, raw materials, products, the optimal location of storage facilities, accounting for warehouse operation.
Warehouse logistic goals:
- Cost minimization;
- Safe storage conditions for products with various specifics;
- Lowering the cost of goods due to correct accounting;
- Increasing the level of competitiveness of production and business in general.
What is warehouse logistics: Wikipedia and other sources define this type as directed control over the movement of finance.
The main directions and concepts of this type:
- Classification of warehouses.
- Functional storage facilities, complexes.
- Warehouse system development methods.
- Operations and processes in the territory of warehouse systems.
- Planning the location and structure of the warehouse.
- Competent organization of the work of employees.
- Storage optimization.
- Reducing the likelihood of risks.